Art.1 – The International Dance Competition will take place in Pinerolo from 4th to 8th December 2009 at the Palazzetto dello Sport, Via Grande Torino– Pinerolo.
Art.2 – The competition is subdivided into the following sections and categories:
Classical section:
- Cat. classical soloists baby (until 12 years old)
- Cat. classical soloists children(from 13 to 15 years old)
- Cat. classical soloists junior (from 16 to 19 years old)
- Cat. classical “pas de deux” (no age limits)
- Cat. classical groups junior (minimum 5 components until 13 years old, at the option of 1/5 of component over until 15 years old)
- Cat. classical groups open (minimum 3 components no age limits)
- Cat. classical groups open amateur (minimum 3 components no age limits)
Modern section
- Cat. modern soloists baby (until 13 years old)
- Cat. modern soloists junior (from 14 to 17 years old)
- Cat. modern soloists senior (over 18 years old)
- Cat. modern “pas de deux” (no age limits)
- Cat. modern groups junior (minimum 5 components until 15 years old, at the option of 1/5 of components over until 17 years old)
- Cat. modern groups open (minimum 3 components no age limits)
- Cat. modern groups open amateur (minimum 3 components no age limits)
Hip-Hop section
- Cat. Hip-Hop groups junior (minimum 5 components until 14 years old, at the option of 1/5 of components over until 16 years old)
- Cat. Hip-Hop groups open (minimum 3 components no age limits)
- Cat. Hip-Hop groups open amateur (min. 3 components no age limits)
Emerging companies section
- Cat. emerging companies (established of-fact; ENPALS or other association form)
Art.3 – Dead-line for registrations: Registrations must arrive by h. 24,00 of 22th November 2009 at Cultural Association Body Show, via Des Geneys 29, 10064 Pinerolo, Tel/Fax +390121-374011. Candidates regularly booked by 2th November can take part at the stage lessons of 6th, 7th and 8th December 2009 with a discount of 30% on the “soloists full price”.
Art.4 – Registrations: Admission form must be sent by registered mail or fax with a receipt of the admission fee payment, a detailed list of candidates with name, surname, address, date of birth, mail address, mobile phone and N.I. number of each of them. Each candidate the day of competition have to deliver at the secretary office a copy of the identity document, parent’s authorization for candidates under the age of 18, health certificate or a statement of a responsible in order to have complied law requirements on health preservation. Self-certification is valid for of ages.
Art.5 – Admission fee is to pay on postal account n°56712995, with postal order, not transferable bank draft, bank transfer IBAN IT04D0200830750000040260406 to: Cultural Association Body Show, for admission fee 15° International Dance Competition.
Admission fee is:
- Cat. Classical soloists baby: € 40,00
- Cat. classical soloists children, junior and “pas de deux”, modern soloists junior, senior and “pas de deux”:€ 60,00
- Cat. classical groups junior, modern groups junior, hip-hop groups junior: € 70,00 + €10,00 for each component of the group
- Cat. classical groups open, modern groups open, hip-hop groups open: € 140,00 + € 15,00 for each component of the group
- Cat. classical groups open amateur, modern groups open amateur, hip-hop groups open amateur: € 90,00 + € 15,00 for each component of the group
- Cat. emerging companies: fixed cost € 200,00
Admission fee is for: registration, insurance, attendance certificate, gifts, cut -price for the evenings as spectators.
Art.6 – In the event of renounce after the dead-line for registrations admission fee is not given back.
Art.7 – Acceptance of registrations: organization could do not accept registrations if in redundancy, considering the date of registration form. Admission fees received over the dead-line will be increased of 20%.
Art.8 – Annulment: organization can revoke a section of the competition or the whole manifestation it there are question of force majeure.
Then admission fees will be refunded.
Art.9 – Performance time-limit
Cat. Classical and modern soloists, modern and hip-hop “pas de deux”: 3 minutes
Cat. classical “pas de deux” from repertory and classical groups: max 7 minutes
Cat. modern groups: 6 minutes
Cat. hip-hop groups: 4 minutes
Cat. emerging companies: 8 minutes
If time is over disqualification is automatic, except written communication accepted by artistic direction and however not over 10% of time-limit allowed.
Art.10 – Selections’ modality: stage selections will be played with fixed white light and only dark choice.
Art.11 – Final’s conditions: in the final evening it is possible play light effects; at the time of the exhibition each choreographer or teacher has to ask to technicians for effects they wish.
Art.12 Each musical piece must be recorded on a separated CD. Tag must have name and surname of the candidate or name of the group, choreography title, musical piece title, exact time.
Art.13 – Costumes: all choreographies and variations have to be played in rehearsal costume. During the classical technical examination lessons candidates must wear academic outfit.
Art.14 – Limitations to registrations. Each choreographer or teacher can book more soloists or groups also in the same section. Each soloist can present just a program for every section but take part to more sections. Each group’s choreography must be performed by other dancers for at least 2/3 of components.
Art.15 – Selections rehearsal program:
Classical section
- Classical soloists baby: technical examination lesson + a variation chosen from the classical repertory also simplified or one free variation.
- Classical soloists children: technical examination lesson + a variation chosen from the classical repertory.
- Classical soloists junior: technical examination lesson + a variation chosen from the classical repertory + a free variation.
- Classical “pas de deux”: technical examination lesson + a variation chosen from the classical repertory.
- Classical groups: a free choreography even not inedited.
(Classical technical examination lessons are not for elimination but an additionally component for the value judgement)
Modern section
- Modern soloists and “pas de deux”: a free choreography even not inedited.
- Modern junior, open and open amateur groups: a free choreography even not inedited.
Hip-hop section
- Hip-hop junior, open and open amateur groups: a free choreography even not inedited.
Emerging companies section
- A piece from one of their shows even not inedited
Judges can stop or repeat stage rehearsal if they deems it appropriate for the judgement.
Art.16 - Call order in the selections will be appointed with draw among the same category.
Art. 17– Reservation stage rehearsal. Stage rehearsal turns must be booked at the secretary office from 8,00 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the following days:
25th November: cat. classical soloists and “pas de deux”.
26th November: cat. modern soloists and “pas de deux”.
27th November: cat. classical groups, hip-hop groups, emerging companies.
28th November: cat. modern groups
Candidates not present in agreed times will wait in queue; organization don’t assure them the possibility to carry out their rehearsal turn.
Rehearsal time-limit
- Cat. classical soloists baby and children: 3 minutes
- Cat. classical soloists junior: 6 minutes
- Cat. Classical “pas de deux” and classical groups: 12 minuti
- Cat. modern soloists and “pas de deux”: 5 minutes
- Cat. modern groups: 10 minutes
- Cat. hip-hop groups: 9 minutes
- Cat. emerging companies: 15 minutes
Art. 18– Call. During the selections and show’s days dancers must present themselves at the reception 60 min. before the beginning of their grouping.
Art. 19– Quitclaim. Candidates have no right to a payment for exhibitions and video or photos made during the competition. All videos and photos are in exclusive possession of the organization witch can use them as it like.
Art. 20– Examinations. Jury evaluates technique and physical expression for classical sections, originality, interpretation and technical performance for modern and funky hip-hop sections, stage vocation for all sections. Jury is on hand but not bound to explain results, besides only at the teachers and the choreographers. Organization has just to communicate results.
Art.21 – Decisions of the jury is not contestable.
Art.22 – Jury rules. Person which has a family relationship with candidates cannot take part of the jury. Jury components cannot have had teaching relationships about the specific subject of the competition with candidates during the last two years. If it happens they cannot take part to the discussion and express their judgement on those candidates. This abstention will be reminded in the rehearsal report. Each member of the jury will issue a statement about his position toward candidates.
Art.23 – Jury formation. At any time organization can change the formation of the jury if necessary.
Art. 24 - Prize-giving. Winners will be awarded during the final evening of 8th December 2009
Art.25 – Prize. Prizes have to be considered a reimbursement minus the deductions due by law and scholarships.
Art. 26– Ex aequo. In case of ex aequo the prize in money will be divided between the winners.
Art. 27– Not award. Jury is authorized, if it finds it appropriate, to not award all prizes organization as expected.
Art. 28– Exceptional decisions. For all that’s not in this rule decisions are up to the artistic direction of organization.
Art.29 – Controversy. Court of Pinerolo is competent. |